Creative Piece Of Promotional Media

So this here I'm displaying and showing you guy's one of my brief's from University which I found quite interesting and challenging to produce, I wanted something different and 
exciting, yet relevant!

Brief : Develop a creative concept and piece of media to introduce yourself to a prospective employer, with a view to securing a work placement. 

I wanted to create something fun, exciting and engaging that would suit the whole look from the logo to my design work by hand and also the design work I have to show from my PDF Portfolio.

 As you can see I've included a light bulb as a promotional aspect, I've stuck my logo inside to reflect as a designer I have some good ideas to offer.

Follow me on Behance let me know what you think :)

Flyer Design

This particular design I've done was a mini project I decided to take on. I met Jake Conlon by chance and he asked if I'd have a go at designing a flyer for one of the Resonance events. This is my outcome, it wasn't going to be printed and used as they already had a flyer for the particular event, but I'm hoping I might be considered to do future designs if he's happy with the outcome.

I used a lot of layered photography to create the background effect on the front of the flyer, I'm happy with what I've designed as its not normally the style I'd create so it feels good to have experimented and just gone for it! 

studio MIKMIK

Another inspiring and interesting studio based near where I live are studio MIKMIK. They focus on Graphic Design and Illustration. Here is a selected piece of work I've taken from their website I think its a great piece of Business Identity, it's simple but selective in the style they've used to create a certain look.

When I saw this piece it really reminded me of an Illustration artist called Kelly Lasserre who's work I love, as a freelance Illustrator she gives me a lot of inspiration and thought it to what direction I want to take once I've finished University.

Everyday Something...

Everyday something are a Graphic Design studio based near where I live, I think they do some great work, they cover Brand Identity, Illustration, Art Direction, Print, Typography & Web. 

Here are some examples of their work, or you can see their full website by clicking here.

Both pieces here use creative and imaginative typography, they've not been scared to play around and design something ordinary.

When I think of what kind of studio I want to work for when I graduate I think of these guys. 
I think their illustration style graphics ties in to what kind of design I'm into. 

Ohh Deer Competition!

 Oh Hi, over on the Ohh Deer website at the moment they are running a competition to design a cushion. It finishes on the 25th September so get your designs in quick, here is the brief.

I decided to give it a shot a couple of weeks ago these are my two designs. 

I would love to know what you think? Wish me luck it would be awesome to be one of the four winners! You can have a look at the rest of the other entries here.

Sophie xx

Design for a business card

Today I thought I'd take a minute to show you guys the result of me designing a business card for my good friend Toby Monghan-Gray. He is a great photographer, you can check his work out by clicking here!

He wanted both a logo and business card creating, as you can see the whole design is simple and clean.

My next challenge is to create him a tag for copyright on his pictures...maybe once i've got a little more time on my hands! 

Anyone needing something designing get in touch |

Anorak Zoo Competition

Oh hey, 

So with me making a twitter page for peppy print, I've come across some great people to follow. One being Anorak Magazine which have a competition on at the minute, so I thought I'd give it a go! 

They asked for a Anorak Zoo design page for a fun colouring section in the magazine for kids.

To check out my design digitally finished click here.

Hopefully it will be one of the winning entries even if it's not I had fun creating it :)

Yum Brum Magazine

I've decided to blog today a piece of work from my first year, this year we were given a number of briefs to answer. I must say I had ones I liked and also some I disliked, but I guess that's what being a Graphic Designer is all about. You have to fit the needs of the client and listen to what they want, otherwise they're not going to be happy!

Firstly the Yum Brum Magazine, this was a collaboration brief to get us all to mingle in our first year, It worked I made some great friends from it, here are two of the main illustrations I created for the magazine. 

You can check out the whole magazine here.

Would love to get some feedback so feel free to leave some comments.

Sophie xx


My name is Sophie I am pretty new to all this blogging malarkey but am going to try and keep this blog up to date with my recent work & what I have been getting up to. 

Now where to start I have just started my second year at Birmingham University studying Visual Communication - Graphic Design, I absolutely love illustration & typography as you will see a lot of my work contains my hand drawn illustrations which I feel gives me my own style.

I have also just started working part time at the independent Yorks Bakery Cafe, All the people there are great we make a mean coffee so if you are ever in the area it is definitely worth a visit. 

Oh and if any of you were wondering about the name of my brand & what it means here is a little definition of Peppy I feel it fits my work perfectly.


adjective, pep·pi·er, pep·pi·est. Informal .
energetic; vigorous; lively.

Hope to speak with some of you soon you can also follow me on Twitter & Facebook for more news!

Sophie xx